Mutation Mapper

Explore variant calls with the mutation mapper.

General Description

Our Mutation Mapper tool aims to allow users to visualize protein amino acid domains and identify mutations within Champions PDX models and cell lines.

Mutation Mapper Input


Mutation Mapper Input

  1. Dataset. Choose from the dropdown menu between Champions Database, Online Database such as TCGA, GEO, CPTAC, or your own data previously uploaded to Lumin.
  2. Cancer Types. Select cancer type of interest from the dropdown menu or leave blank for all cancer types.
  3. Gene of Interest. Select your gene of interest from the dropdown. Please Note: You must choose at a gene in order to run visualization.
  4. Model. Select specific models with available data or leave blank for all available models with data.
  5. View.
  6. Bookmark. Save an analysis or load from an existing analysis. Please Note: As we are continually updating our data the visualization may change slightly from the time it was first analyzed. Users can also manage all bookmarks under "My Bookmarks" in Account Settings at the top right of any Lumin page.
  7. Export. Analysis can be exported as a CSV file for both Mutations and Proteomics, PNG image or into Lumin Workspaces for both Mutations and Proteomics.
  8. Loading Task Bar. Building your requested visualization may take some time. The status of your request will be displayed here.

Mutation Mapper Visualization

Mutation Mapper Visualization

Mutation Mapper Visualization

The mutation map displays the number of mutations for a single gene in the model-set at each locus in the transcribed protein, with domains and sites identified along the bottom.

The height of each lollipop indicates the number of mutations, while the color of the dot indicates the mutation category (see Legend on the top right of the image). Dots that summarize multiple mutations indicate the details for each in the tooltip visible when the mouse is hovered over the dot.

Below the mutation count are a series of additional annotations mapped to amino acid location.

Mutation Mapper Table


Mutation Mapper Table

Available Data

Champions PDX
Champions Cell Lines
Your Data

Key Terms

Common Analysis with Mutation Mapper

Coming Soon!

References and Acknowledgements

Clinical Significance is based on 2022. ClinVar. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2022].